HOME„TEST METHODS >TFJS-104 Green sand density test method

Test Method: TJFS-104 Green sand density test method

1. Application

This applies to the test method of green sand density.

2. Definition

Density is defined as the apparent density of a standard specimen.

3. Test apparatus and instrument

3.1 Caliper

An M-type caliper is used.

3.2 Balance

A balance of the precision of 0.1 g is used.

3.3 Inspection

The instrument and apparatus used in the test are checked at an appropriate interval to maintain the necessary precision.

4. Testing procedure

4.1 Specimen preparation

Test specimens are prepared by the method of TJFS-101 (Preparation of standard green sand specimen). The sand forming a specimen should not be reused in another test.

4.2 Mea5surement

The height and weight of the specimen are measured. Height is measured by a caliper to the figure of 0.1 mm. Weight is measured by a balance to the figure of 0.1g.

5. Expression

Density is expressed in g/cm3. If the height is measured in mm, the following equation is used to calculate density.


\[ \left\{ \begin{array}{l} P &= density \ (g/cm^3) \\ W &= specimen \ weight \ (g) \\ D &= specimen \ diameter \ (mm) \\ H &= specimen \ height \ (mm) \end{array} \right. \]

6. Record

The result is expressed to the second decimal place. Tests are repeated three times or more from the same batch of sand and average value is calculated from results within ±5% of the standard deviation.