HOME„TEST METHODS >TJFS-110 Green sand shatter index test method

Test Method: TJFS-110 Green sand shatter index test method

1. Application

This applies to the test method of measuring green sand shatter index.

2. Definition

Shatter index is defined as the degree of shatter of a standard sand specimen at dropping on an anvil from a certain height.

3. Instrument and apparatus

3.1 Testing apparatus

As shown in Fig.1, the apparatus consists of a pushing rod, anvil, both made of iron, and others. The pushing rod is tightly fixed by a support, and the anvil is also firmly fixed by embedding in a concrete base.

3.2 Balance

A balance of the sensitivity of 0.1g is used.

3.3 Sieve

A sieve of the nominal size of 12.7mm is fixed at a level between the top and the bottom of the anvil. The height of the side frame of the sieve must be greater than 120 mm to prevent sand scattering at dropping.

3.4 Anvil

The top part of the anvil is a disc of 76mm in diameter and is screwed on the bottom base of the anvil.

3.5 Inspection

The instrument and apparatus used in the test are checked at an appropriate interval to maintain the necessary precision. The pusher rod center and the anvil center must be matched along a vertical line. The matching is checked by a pendulum hung from the pusher rod center above the anvil center when the anvil base is embedded in concrete.

4. Testing procedure

4.1 Preparation of specimens

Test specimens are prepared by the method of TJFS-101 (Preparation of standard green sand specimen). The sand forming a specimen should not be reused in another test.

4.2 Operation

The specimen in the cylinder is pushed out by the pusher rod fixed to the tester and dropped on the anvil from the height of 1850mm. The sand remaining on the anvil is carefully swept by means of a brush, for instance, and collected together with the sand remained on the sieve. The weight of the collected sand is measured.

4.3 Calculation of shatter index

Shatter index is calculated from the weight of sand remained on the sieve and the original specimen weight by the following equation.

\[S = { W1 \over W2 } \times 100 \]


\[ \left\{ \begin{array}{l} S &= shatter \ index \ (“) \\ W1 &= weight \ of \ the \ sand \ remained \ on \ the \ sieve \ (g) \\ W2 &= weight \ of \ the \ original \ sand \ specimen \ (g) \end{array} \right. \]

5. Expression

Shatter index is expressed in %.

6. Record

The result is calculated to the second decimal place. Test is repeated three times or more from the same batch of sand and averaged using values within 5% deviation.