HOME„TEST METHODS >TJFS-201 Green sand moisture content test method

Test Method: TJFS-201 Green sand moisture content test method

‚P. Application

This applies to test method of measuring green sand moisture content.

2. Definition

Green sand moisture content is defined as the amount of free water contained in the green sand.

3. Instrument and apparatus

3.1 Balance

A balance of the precision of 0.01g is used.

3.2 Dryer

An electric oven that can be kept at 105±5 degree C with an automatic temperature controller is used.

4. Testing procedure

4.1 Operation

Green sand of 50g is sampled and dried in an oven at 105±5 degree C. It is cooled in a desiccator to room temperature and weighed. The process is repeated until the weight is found constant.

4.2 Calculation of moisture content

Moisture content is calculated by the following equation.

\[M = { W_1 - W_2 \over W_1 } \times 100 \]


\[ \left\{ \begin{array}{l} M &= green \ sand \ moisture \ content \ (“) \\ W_1 &= weight \ of \ the \ initial \ sample \ (g) \\ W_2 &= weight \ of \ the \ dried \ sand \ after \ reaching \ a \ constant \ value \ (g) \end{array} \right. \]

5. Expression

Green sand moisture content is expressed in %.

6. Record

The result is calculated to the first decimal place. Test is repeated two times or more from the same batch of sand and averaged using values within 5% deviation.