HOME„TEST METHODS >TJFS-209 Green sand fixed carbon calculation method

Test Method: TJFS-209 Green sand fixed carbon calculation method

1. Application

This applies to the method of calculating green sand fixed carbon.

2. Definition

The green sand fixed carbon content is obtained by subtracting the volatile component obtained by TJFS-208 (Green sand volatile component test method) from the loss on ignition obtained by TJFS-206 (Green sand ignition loss test method). It is the amount of carbon remained after thermal decomposition of organics such as coal powder or starch in the green sand.

3. Method of calculation

Fixed carbon is calculated by the following equation.

\[C = L.O.I. \ - \ V \]


\[ \left\{ \begin{array}{l} C &= fixed \ carbon \ content \ (“) \\ L.O.I. &= loss \ on \ ignition \ (“) \\ V &= volatile \ component \ (“) \end{array} \right. \]

4. Expression

Green sand fixed carbon is expressed in %.

5. Record

The result is calculated to the second decimal place.
Note: The fixed carbon as obtained by this method is not used for the carbon value in TJFS-210 (Green sand silica program test method).